Comments on: NJ & NY Lawmakers Out to Prohibit Payment Assurance Devices The News Media of the Pre-Owned Industry Thu, 26 Mar 2015 16:47:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Blaise Alexander Thu, 26 Mar 2015 16:47:27 +0000 Starter Interrupt devices
Very bad when a reporter can not get the facts straight or simply chooses not to.
When the car is turned off and the time has run out on the device, the current going to the starter is interupted and the starter will not work. If the vehicle key is not turned off the car will run for as long as you keep putting gas in the car. Our customers payments are due on Friday. The customer then has a 4 day grace period. Then the customer knows that on Tuesday at 12 noon, if their payment is not made, their car will not start. However, we understand that there can be extenuating circumstances so we give our customers 2 emergency codes with every payment and they last 24 hours. We also will not allow a customer to drive a car when the liability insurance has lapsed. This is an issue that we feel is of grave concern and should be duly noted by anyone who proposing banning of these payment reminder systems. I would not like to be the person responsible for this legislation where a family could be wiped out by a driver who’s insurance had lapsed and nothing could be done to stop him from driving that car. I think it is only right that we hold these people accountable to pay their payments and keep their insurance up to date or park the car!

By: David Mon, 02 Mar 2015 17:17:29 +0000 pass time
These idiots should get the facts straight before they go any further….!! THESE STARTER INTERUPTER DOES NOT STOP THE CAR WHILE DRIVING THAT IS A LIE !!! When you stop the car it won’t let it start again it will NOT shut off the car while driving ..!!! These people that have this installed are on their last chance to make a car payment after getting 3, 4, 5 repo’s how can they be trusted…??? They take the car and disappear and refuse to pay for it, they get a grace period of at least a week before the car is shut off and maybe these SUB PRIME people should pay their bills and the car will NOT be shut off…!!! The law makers NEVER had to be a detective to find a car that was basically stolen legally y taking it to another state and NOT making the payments… So before they go any further they need to know the TRUTH and it does NOT shut the car off while driving that is a lie…!!!

By: Lou Pellegrini, BHPH dealer Sun, 01 Mar 2015 10:49:15 +0000 GPS devices
We currently use a GPS device for customers who present too much “skip” risk to normally finance. This enables us to finance the vehicle to this customer, otherwise the deal would be turned down.

Anti GPS legislation will not help that customer. Where the customer had the opportunity to buy with the device at the normal rate if he eliminated his skip risk, with your legislation his opportunity is lost.

We as a small company have decided to offer the same rate to all customers who finance our vehicles so we would eliminate the exposure of legal action suggesting that differing rates are discriminating.

Anti GPS legislation is not helpful to my business or the customers who buy vehicles with these devices attached.

By: jw Wed, 04 Feb 2015 13:31:32 +0000 GPS Devices-Not all Bad!
I owned and operated a BHPH dealer for a few years and we utilized GPS (not starter interrupt) devices on those vehicles financed in-house. I must say, when a customer knows this device is installed, payments are more frequent and on-time. Only twice in 5 years did we have to go looking for a car and when we found it, the customer quickly paid up their arrears. A plus for these devices is that over that same 5 year period, we had two customers that had their cars stolen. The police came to our dealership, we tracked the vehicle location and it was recovered immediately. These two customers appreciated these devices.

By: lc Tue, 03 Feb 2015 20:59:26 +0000 predatory lending- payment assurance
GPS are put on employee vehicles to monitor their daily activities- perhaps not a starter interruption device (kill-switch), but a GPS is a necessity when allowing a vehicle to leave the Dealership in the hands of a Consumer that is not known for paying their bills responsibly. BHPH will be here long after the Lenders go under again due to greed and vanity, so we need to protect them and allow them to protect their investments without fatal interruption- as you may call the starter interrupt devices, IE: kill switches.
